Erased anime review

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So it’s been a while guys. Currently traveling so trying to find the time for the reviewing. Luckily enough for you, I DID. So without further ado, here’s this week’s anime review.

Erased also known in Japan as Boku Dake ga Inai Machi is a 2016 12 episode anime adaptation of the manga of the same name, and it has been produced by A-1 Pictures.


The story follows Satoru Fujinuma who somehow has the power to rewind time for a small instant before something unfortunate happens so that he has a chance to prevent it. Later events in the first episode (that’s why the following isn’t a spoiler) lead to his mother being murdered and the existence of implications that she knew the murderer, and that this is all linked to a string of child murders that occurred when Satoru was a child. Satoru then rewinds back to when he was a child, a feat he was never able to do previously,  and tries to figure it all out.

All in all the premise is definitely interesting. Perhaps there was a small bonus for me since I’m a sucker for time travel stuff.

For what it’s worth, I’d say character development was handled quite well considering the anime didn’t have that many episodes.In addition, the ending of each episode kept making me want to see more. HOWEVER, i can’t just mention the positives now can I?

I believe one big flaw the show has is predictability. Now don’t get me wrong , knowing who the killer is early on doesn’t diminish the journey itself. Personally I just wished I had more than one potential killer in my head. A minor flaw as well would be that you kinda get the feeling the final 2 episodes were rushed. Don’t get me wrong, that was the way I imagined it ending, but perhaps it needed like 2 more episodes to flesh it out?


Personally I’m a fan of the art. It’s a bit different from what I usually see but felt like it meshed quite well with what the show was all about. Though probably the only criticism I have is how the lips looked. I mean look at the mom’s lips as an example.Image result for erased anime

 Dunno I felt it looked weird.


The opening was made by Yuki Kajiura and it is very different from what we are usually used to, but by god this just proves to me that I tend to like almost anything yuki kajiura makes.

Sadly though, nothing else left much of an impact on me.



So after lots of complex calculations (not really) I hereby award Erased a score of 4/5 which is equivalent to “a good anime”. Watching it is definitely not regrettable. Sure it has some shortcomings but I believe it accomplished enough to be worthy of this score.


Got any thoughts? Lemme know in the comments below and as always have an awesome day.