Good dubs? (yes they exist)

Ok so time to get back on track and start being active again.

Now this topic will probably get some hate but we’ll see how it goes 😛

So before you start going all

Let’s just have a civil discussion. Shall we?

Now anime fans could probably be split into 3 main factions let’s call them. The first being the purists who could only watch subbed stating that watching in any other language is an insult to the show. The second faction being the one where you only watched dubbed because you wouldn’t enjoy watching something in a foreign language and having to constantly read subtitles the whole time. Lastly, there are those who actually don’t mind either.

Now of course everyone is entitled to their opinion, so i’ll go ahead and state mine. HOWEVER, before anything, I have to say we are only discussing the language of the anime. We are not putting alterations done by dubbing companies on the table (especially not 4kids versions of anime)

and that is due to it not being as relevant. Of course you’d want to see the original scene over a modified one.

Now that we have put that out of the way, what are some issues with dubbing in general. I believe one issue is the fact that the lip flaps of characters don’t really sync up with the words you hear in dubs. You may be one of those people who simply can’t ignore something like that once you notice it and frankly, I can’t blame you.

Another issue, which i believe to be a major contributor, is that a watcher might feel the voice actor cast for the dub might not really portray a character’s personality well enough or  maybe just that the voice didn’t really suit him/her in general.

So yes, there exist some sub par dubs. BUT just as well, there are some dubs which are well cast and give you the feeling the voice actors gave their heart and soul in portraying the character.

SO without further ado, here’s my list for some really great dubbed anime (at least for me). Keep in mind this isn’t all the good dubbed anime, just ones that I happened to enjoy a lot.

So what dubbed anime did you enjoy? Did you have a different opinion on dubbed anime?

Lemme know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading and as always have an awesome day!


The disappearing act

Hello my wonderful readers.

As some of you may have noticed (I hope), I haven’t posted something in some time. So I wanted to clear things up and appologize as well.

Basically like a week-ish ago I woke up and felt really weak.Decided to check my temperature and

that was sort of my expression. And with the coming days I only got worse and worse. Heck I even spent all my birthday lying in bed.

However, this is not the time for pity or excuses.

I’m still learning to get into the proper routine and gaining experience and knowledge with formulating my thoughts on anime. Therefore this absence is unforgivable!

SO instead of committing sepuku

I thought “Wait young one” (yes i call myself young one with the morgan freeman voice in my head). “That’s the easy way out”. Indeed it was I reply.

Conclusion? The best way to make up for it is pick up the slack and post all that should have been posted back then and reach new enlightenment and commitment to the cause.

So from the bottom of my heart I apologize and stay tuned for better things to come.

Thanks for reading.

Unapreciation of sports anime

So this week I wanted to talk about sports anime and why people have this weird misconception with.

I’ll be fair, like them I used to think an anime about sports would be the lamest thing ever. I don’t even like watching regular live action sports on tv. Nor do i enjoy the games based on sports. But that’s the thing, sports anime aren’t the same. Why you might ask? Well let’s draw out what we usually look for in an anime story and see if it’s there in sports anime.

Granted going from one enemy to the next might be more impressive with shonen anime but nevertheless we still have this in sports. Whether it be a single person or an entire team, you always have that sense of challenge in going from one opponent to the next and the need to train some secret special move to win.

Character development? I’d go so far as to say some sports anime have the best character development out there. Why? Well, you get to see them grow (which is a rarity at this point). You see the character go from zero to hero so to speak. In addition, when they face difficulties and hardship or when they try to get ready for the next challenge, you get to see the inner monologue of the character and feel the match in his/her eyes. Best example I can give for this is Hajime No Ippo which perfectly visualizes what I’m referring to (but more on that in a future review)

Last point I just have to mention is that sports anime is basically like shonen. I mean, the characters have these moves or abilities that do exist in real life but blown waaaay out of proportion and it’s damn entertaining to watch. Could be Kuroko’s invisible presence and passing capabilities

or it could be Ippo’s relentless barrage of attacks.

They even have signature names for the moves!

All I’m saying is, don’t knock it till you try it. There’s no need to judge something you haven’t given a fair shot to. You never know, it might just surprise you.

So what do you think about sports anime? Got any thoughts about the way I post things? Please lemme know in the comments below and as always, have an awesome day !

D-Frag Anime Review

So it’s that time again and this week’s anime review is for D-Frag!

D-Frag! is a 2014 anime consisting of 12 episodes and was animated by Brain’s Base.


So this anime doesn’t really follow a certain story or anything. It basically follows our main character Kenji Kazama who is a delinquent that was forced to join his school’s game creation club. The show follows his interactions with the many colorful characters therefore it mostly consists of something akin to skits.

HOWEVER, the skits are pretty darn funny sometimes.

To this day at the tender young age of 22 I have absolutely no clue what that actually means !Though if you’re not a fan of some stupid random humor then this show is probably not for you.

Not much room for character development as well since there aren’t that many episodes in addition to not having anything to really overcome. Although i suppose he could reach some enlightenment with how meaningless him being a delinquent actually is and pursue the main romantic interest IF WE DIDN’T HAVE A LOVE TRIANGLE THAT WAS NEVER RESOLVED. *sigh* But yea…..nice stuff.


What can i say, when a show is visually pleasing, it’s kinda obvious. D-Frag is one of those shows. The art is lively and colorful which complements what the show is going for and suits the tone.


This must be stated, the opening ….is…..magnificent 😛

ok seriously though, the opening is quite catchy and not ashamed to say i played it over and over again after finishing the show. It’s fast paced, action packed, and humorous. What more could i ask for with this kind of show?

Furthermore, the soundtrack used in the show was well placed and suited the scenes they were used in. Sadly, the ending song wasn’t memorable but meh. Opening was awesome.


So after some complex calculations ( not really) I hereby award D-Frag! a score of 3.5/5 which is equivalent to above average. Watching this anime will never be a regret you’ll have but the same can also be said for not watching it. Doesn’t really leave too much to be memorable (aside from dat opening) but it’s a decent way to spend your time and you’d be enjoying the comedy if you’re into it.


So what did you think of the show? Got any suggestions for the next review? Got any comments? Lemme know in the comments below and as always have an awesome day!

Esports the anime

Hey everyone. So for this week’s random topic I wanted to briefly talk about the newly announced anime which is about (believe it or not ) esports.

So the anime’s name is “The King’s Avatar” and is slated to be released in 2017. why is this interesting? BECAUSE IT’S ESPORTS.

To those who know me, it comes as no surprise that i enjoy sports anime (though that topic will be discussed in a future post) in addition to playing mobas. Therefore, I am pretty psyched about this anime since it follows an esports player. Will we be watching him doing epic mouse clicks akin to Death Note potato chip eating powers? How will the characters be developed? What on earth could the plot follow aside from entering a tournament?

So many questions pop in my head and I can’t wait to see how it goes.

NOW, there is one more thing to mention. It is made in china. So this is literally a chinese cartoon. Do i still consider it an anime? Well i guess it depends. RWBY is an anime and we all know about the controversy with deciding if Avatar is an anime. Regardless, this is an anime  styled show and words cannot describe how excited I am to see something new and refreshing being done.

What do you think about the show? Excited? Underwhelmed? Lemme know in the comments below and as always, have an awesome day!

Boku no Hero Academia Anime Review

Hey everyone. It’s anime review time again and as the topic states, this week’s review is for Boku no Hero Academia.


Boku no Hero Academia is a 2016 shonen anime produced by Studio Bones.  It has 13 episodes for season 1 and a second second has already been confirmed though the date is still undecided.


The story takes place in a world where most of the human population has superpowers called quirks. Having superpowers is so common that being quirkless is the rarity. In addition, due to having superpowers, people have the option of becoming superheroes which the noble goal of protecting the piece from those who would abuse their powers and become villains. Therefore as one might expect, the show focuses on a boy called Izuku Midoriya who is quirkless and yet wants to become a superhero despite his shortcomings.

This leads to our not so fearless main character to have the goal of joining an academy for superheroes and this is where the story kicks off (and boy does it kick off).

The premise of the show is pretty interesting. It allows versatility in powers since it could be literally anything. You’d have people turning to wood and others controlling gravity. Sky’s the limit.

In terms of characters, the shows follows your typical weak main character. The cool part however, is that his weakness isn’t really too dwelled on and he starts to get better bit by bit. Therefore, you won’t get that feeling some other shows give where the main character is weak but “plot armor” allows him to succeed time and time again when he should clearly fail.

Furthermore, I’d reckon this was some pretty darn good character development for a 13 episode show. Following Midoriya’s journey is never dull and witnessing his determination makes you feel and root for him at the same time.


The art in the show is pretty interesting. Personally I had some cringey moments with some scenes

but then you had these moments of epic proportions where I was reminded of Tengen toppa gurren lagann  in terms of sheer awesomeness. Since this is a spoiler free review, i’ll just put a random gif of a good character.



What can I say. The music did its job and surpassed my expectations. This show is one of the few that I have actually listened to the soundtrack after finishing the anime. It always complemented the atmosphere of the scenes well and when I was required to get psyched up, Ohoho I got psyched up.


This show does have its flaws (rare to find anything that doesn’t) but I believe it makes up for it with its colorful characters, awesome soundtrack and fight scenes that made me just wanna re-fight every rpg boss I had ever beaten. I would find it unfair to deduct points due to it not having closure since at the end of the final episode of season 1, season 2  had been announced. Therefore let’s hope it lives up to the task and drills straight into the heavens themselves. SO without further ado, I hereby present this anime with a score of 4.5/5 which is equivalent to a Great show. Can’t really say it’s a must watch when it doesn’t have a proper ending yet and so many shows have ruined it with second seasons *cough* Darker than Black *cough*. However, by all means, it is more than just a good show.

So what did you guys think? Something you liked or disliked about the show?

Lemme know in the comments below and as always, have an awesome day!

Scotland the anime

Hello my lovely readers,

Yes it’s been slow lately but my trip is drawing to and end and then i can be back to my old consistent schedule.

As for the random topic, since my trip was to Scotland, it made me wonder. Why do a lot of countries never get mentioned in anime?

Anime was never strictly limited to a Japanese setting. It has on multiple occasions spanned multiple continents. America for example has always been a location characters travel to especially in sports anime.

This leads me to my question, what makes some locations better than others?

Upon my first arrival , the room i stayed in had a DVD player in it and a film was already loaded in it, and go figure, it was Brave heart.

Stereotypes aside, how awesome would it be to have Braveheart as an anime? The loch ness monster could just as easily have been used as some sort of mythical creature for a summon or a fight, and bagpipes would OBVIOUSLY make for a killer anime opening.

So that was a random thought that popped in my head and I’ve been pondering for a while now. SO, what do you think? Lemme know in the comments below and as always, have an awesome day.

Erased anime review

Image result for erased anime


So it’s been a while guys. Currently traveling so trying to find the time for the reviewing. Luckily enough for you, I DID. So without further ado, here’s this week’s anime review.

Erased also known in Japan as Boku Dake ga Inai Machi is a 2016 12 episode anime adaptation of the manga of the same name, and it has been produced by A-1 Pictures.


The story follows Satoru Fujinuma who somehow has the power to rewind time for a small instant before something unfortunate happens so that he has a chance to prevent it. Later events in the first episode (that’s why the following isn’t a spoiler) lead to his mother being murdered and the existence of implications that she knew the murderer, and that this is all linked to a string of child murders that occurred when Satoru was a child. Satoru then rewinds back to when he was a child, a feat he was never able to do previously,  and tries to figure it all out.

All in all the premise is definitely interesting. Perhaps there was a small bonus for me since I’m a sucker for time travel stuff.

For what it’s worth, I’d say character development was handled quite well considering the anime didn’t have that many episodes.In addition, the ending of each episode kept making me want to see more. HOWEVER, i can’t just mention the positives now can I?

I believe one big flaw the show has is predictability. Now don’t get me wrong , knowing who the killer is early on doesn’t diminish the journey itself. Personally I just wished I had more than one potential killer in my head. A minor flaw as well would be that you kinda get the feeling the final 2 episodes were rushed. Don’t get me wrong, that was the way I imagined it ending, but perhaps it needed like 2 more episodes to flesh it out?


Personally I’m a fan of the art. It’s a bit different from what I usually see but felt like it meshed quite well with what the show was all about. Though probably the only criticism I have is how the lips looked. I mean look at the mom’s lips as an example.Image result for erased anime

 Dunno I felt it looked weird.


The opening was made by Yuki Kajiura and it is very different from what we are usually used to, but by god this just proves to me that I tend to like almost anything yuki kajiura makes.

Sadly though, nothing else left much of an impact on me.



So after lots of complex calculations (not really) I hereby award Erased a score of 4/5 which is equivalent to “a good anime”. Watching it is definitely not regrettable. Sure it has some shortcomings but I believe it accomplished enough to be worthy of this score.


Got any thoughts? Lemme know in the comments below and as always have an awesome day.

Bleach live action

So this week’s random topic is gonna be about bleach’s new live action movie that is gonna come out. 

Personally I’m not all excited for it due to a couple of reasons. 

First of all , live action adaptations of anime haven’t had the best track record honestly. I mean, we all remember the death note live action or *shudders* dragonball evolution. 

Second of all, bleach of all things? That manga/anime has so many powers and effects going on at once it would honestly be utter chaos in live action. 

Now i used to love bleach however the same repetitive pace kinda killed it for me so i think i stopped at the final arc. However with the bleach drawing to a close maybe its worth continuing it and putting it to bed.

Hell who knows? The movie might turn out to be good (unlikely).

What do you think? Lemme know in the comments below.