Unapreciation of sports anime

So this week I wanted to talk about sports anime and why people have this weird misconception with.

I’ll be fair, like them I used to think an anime about sports would be the lamest thing ever. I don’t even like watching regular live action sports on tv. Nor do i enjoy the games based on sports. But that’s the thing, sports anime aren’t the same. Why you might ask? Well let’s draw out what we usually look for in an anime story and see if it’s there in sports anime.

Granted going from one enemy to the next might be more impressive with shonen anime but nevertheless we still have this in sports. Whether it be a single person or an entire team, you always have that sense of challenge in going from one opponent to the next and the need to train some secret special move to win.

Character development? I’d go so far as to say some sports anime have the best character development out there. Why? Well, you get to see them grow (which is a rarity at this point). You see the character go from zero to hero so to speak. In addition, when they face difficulties and hardship or when they try to get ready for the next challenge, you get to see the inner monologue of the character and feel the match in his/her eyes. Best example I can give for this is Hajime No Ippo which perfectly visualizes what I’m referring to (but more on that in a future review)

Last point I just have to mention is that sports anime is basically like shonen. I mean, the characters have these moves or abilities that do exist in real life but blown waaaay out of proportion and it’s damn entertaining to watch. Could be Kuroko’s invisible presence and passing capabilities

or it could be Ippo’s relentless barrage of attacks.

They even have signature names for the moves!

All I’m saying is, don’t knock it till you try it. There’s no need to judge something you haven’t given a fair shot to. You never know, it might just surprise you.

So what do you think about sports anime? Got any thoughts about the way I post things? Please lemme know in the comments below and as always, have an awesome day !

9 thoughts on “Unapreciation of sports anime

  1. Definitely not a sports anime fan. That said, over the last year I’ve watched a couple and they’ve been kind of enjoyable. None of the shows I’ve watched are going in to my best ever list but they’ve all been kind of upbeat and entertaining with a bit of drama.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the genre.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I consider myself a fan of sports anime, but I’m generally selective on those I watch. I especially love Slamdunk and Prince of Tennis. I agree to what you said – about some characters having some of the best development in the series. The stronger the opponents (teams) they face, the more we see them change.

    This isn’t true to all sport anime though. I’ve seen several which started really well but seemingly turned into a sort of fan service show. There’s definitely a shift going on with how creators produce this genre. I just hope they bring back those times when we can actually appreciate the show as sports rather than a pure display of good visuals.

    Nice post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • kirosanchi says:

      I completely agree. I wasn’t implying that all sports anime have this kind of development. Same could be said for other genres though and that’s what makes one anime better than the other. My point is, sports anime shouldn’t be overlooked just because of what they revolve around. Great choices in sports anime btw and thanks for the comment

      Liked by 1 person

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