Scotland the anime

Hello my lovely readers,

Yes it’s been slow lately but my trip is drawing to and end and then i can be back to my old consistent schedule.

As for the random topic, since my trip was to Scotland, it made me wonder. Why do a lot of countries never get mentioned in anime?

Anime was never strictly limited to a Japanese setting. It has on multiple occasions spanned multiple continents. America for example has always been a location characters travel to especially in sports anime.

This leads me to my question, what makes some locations better than others?

Upon my first arrival , the room i stayed in had a DVD player in it and a film was already loaded in it, and go figure, it was Brave heart.

Stereotypes aside, how awesome would it be to have Braveheart as an anime? The loch ness monster could just as easily have been used as some sort of mythical creature for a summon or a fight, and bagpipes would OBVIOUSLY make for a killer anime opening.

So that was a random thought that popped in my head and I’ve been pondering for a while now. SO, what do you think? Lemme know in the comments below and as always, have an awesome day.

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